I'm sorry I'm such a terrible blogger but I am popping in to say -- yes, I'm still here and your hats are always welcome! Hats that come in over the month of August will be saved up to go out in Rosh Hashana packages in September.
Thank you so much to all of you who wrote in to check up on me & mine. We are thank God well, and the people of Israel are strong. Special thanks to those of you who are lay spokespeople for Israel and helping to make our case to the world in the face of so much hostile media and even blatant anti-Semitism.
I'll finish with two thank you letters from soldiers (names & unit info removed, of course) and the photos they sent. Knit on!
לכבוד מרת חנה קופל שלום רב,
ברצוני להודות לך על כובעי הצמר החמים. יותר ממה שהם מגנים עלינו מהקור הם מחממים את ליבותינו, אנו רואים שיש כאלה המעריכים את פעולותינו שמכירים בכך שבמשימות הצבאיות לפעמים אנחנו נקלעים למצבים פיזיים קשים של קור ועייפות.
בצבא ישראל מתגלה הקשר והאחדות שבין חלקי האומה הישראלית...חלקתי לחברי בגדוד את כובעי הצמר ואכן האחדות והערכה הופיעה בצורה מיוחדת.
We got the hats you made us and we wanted to say thanks a lot, I'm sure these will keep us warm. We really appreciate it, it's nice to know someone cares.
On the pattern A for the Simple Soldier's Hat I have a question. On the crown part do I k1, [k2, p2tog], k1 all the way across the row or do I stat with a k1, then [k2, p2tog] all the way across and end with a k1? I am sorry, I am fairly new to knitting and have already had to take the whole thing apart and start over so I would like to make sure I get this right this time around. Thank you!
Hi Jennifer!
Glad to have you on board. The second option is correct, my apologies if that was unclear. Thanks for your efforts and if you've got further questions please also feel free to write to me at kovakoppel@gmail.com
all the best,
Hi Channah,
A group of us in Indianapolis, IN made hats, but my mother's group in Miami heard that you had enough and didn't need any more. Is this correct? I am happy to keep making them.
Monica Rosenfeld
Hi Monica! Thanks for asking.
We are definitely still on, and happy to get hats at any time. There are always new soldiers coming in to the army, and winter comes around every year...and even though I give out thousands of hats every year, that's only a fraction of the army.
So sure, knit on! And thank you!
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